Reading Notes; Mahabharata Part A,

-King Shantanu fell in love with with the River Goddess (Ganga)
-The King agreed to do whatever she wanted, and ask her no questions
-When they had their first child, she drowned the child
-She killed six children of theirs
-After Ganga told the king of why she drowned the children, she left him and took his last son he had
-Sixteen years later
- He saw his son and his wife Ganga
-His name was David
- Shantanu brought his son back to his kingdom so he could be a king one day
-Shantanu fell in love with a fisherman's daughter named Sathyavathi, she refused to marry him
- David begged the fisherman and his daughter to change his mind, he even offered to give up the throne to their son.
-David took an oath that he would never get married or have any children.
Shantanu granted his son Bhishma with the ability to grant his own death
- After Shantanu died, he acted as a father to his two half brothers
- After one brother had died, he feared for the kingdom so decided his other brother should get a wife.
-Bhishma kidnapped three princess
-One of the princesses was allowed to leave, but when she returned to her king, he refused her,
-She returned to Bhishma and demand to take her back, but he had to refuse because of his oath.
-Amba set out to punish Bhishma
-The other brother of Bhishma had died, there was no prince
- His mother told him of another brother that he had
-His brother came to father children with all three women, one had been with a servant girl
-One was born blind
-One was born pale and small
- The servant girl gave birth to a healthy baby
-Kunti married one of the brothers and told her king of her secret past
- Kunti could not keep the child as she was unmarried, she sent her beautiful son down the river in a basket
-Pandu with his wives Kunti and Madri, decided to go alone in the forest
- When Pandu was hunting he shot a hermit couple that was in the forest and was cursed
-Kunti called about Yama to give her a child, a son named Yudish
-Kunti called upon another God and had a son named Bheem
-Kunti called upon Indra and named him Arjun
-Madri also gave birth to two sons from Kunti's gift
-Pandu forced himself on Madri and suffered his death
-Madri wanted to burn with her husband
-Kunti left in the forest with Pandus five sons
Kunti with her five sons in the forest

Source: Mahabharata Vol. 1, Epidied, Youtube


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